You can submit your entry online using the online entry system. You will need to register first and then choose the categories you wish to enter. Once you have completed the work on your entries, you can submit them all at once. The online entry system allows you to start an entry, save it, and complete it later. 

The entry deadline is Friday 7th June 2024

It is completely It is completely FREE to enter the Facade Awards

There is no limit on the number of entries you may submit. However, you should avoid duplicating entries across multiple categories instead, tailor the entry specifically to the criteria of the category you are entering.

Yes, all categories will give a maximum word count and you should stick to these limits. However, you are encouraged to provide supplementary material as part of your entry.

Your entry will be judged based on the information you submit in the main entry form AND the supporting images.

Images provided should show the workmanship of your project so should include close up images as well as before and after images of the overall project.

The judges reserve the right to reject your entry if the images provided prevent them from inspecting your work.

  1. The awards are open to any business in the UK
  2. Multiple entries are allowed across the awards where applicable (please read category descriptions) 
  3. All entries must completed within the entry web form provided
  4. Qualifying projects must be completed between 1 June 2023 and 1 June 2024.
  5. The Judges’ decision is FINAL. No discussions on recounts or requests for justification will be entered into
  6. The Judges' reserve the right to reject your entry if the quality of the images do not allow them to inspect your workmanship
  7. Sponsors are not permitted to enter the category they are sponsoring.
  8. Award categories may be subject to change or be removed at the publisher’s discretion. (Mark Allen Group will not be held responsible for categories which may have changed or have been removed for any reason necessary)
  1. Include tangible evidence of the impact your company, or solution, has had on your customer’s business. Judges are looking for hard metrics, particularly on business performance and growth.
  2. Less is more. Our judges have to read hundreds of entries, be concise and focus on making your entry stand out above the crowd.
  3. Stick to the entry form. Don’t go off-piste when it comes to entering. Supporting documents are just that… ‘support’. Your main entry should demonstrate the bulk of your submission.
  4. Compelling stories make winners. Companies that change businesses for the better or demonstrate innovation are held in high regard. Tell a story which demonstrates why you deserve to win.
  5. Don’t try and fluff it with waffle and marketing speak, our judges have been around the block (and back) and will see straight through ambiguous claims laced with sales talk.

Good luck!

  1. Maximise your brand’s visibility, increase credibility, boost staff morale and win more business.
  2. The PR opportunities that come with making the Façade Awards UK shortlist, or even winning a category, means your business will be in the spotlight for all the right reasons. 
  3. The awards are free to enter and if your company or product is lucky enough to make the hotly contested shortlist, you’ll immediately benefit from the publicity surrounding this announcement through all the RCI marketing channels. 
  4. Winning one of the Façade Awards UK categories can open doors to getting new contracts, identify new supply channels and help break into new markets. 
  5. Comments from the experienced panel of judges from within the industry about why you won can be used as quotes in press releases, you can add the award logo to your website and other marketing materials, to generate more exposure for your business.