Best new build project
Moulding Foundation Building, Seashell Trust - Longworth with KME Tecu
Best refurbishment project
Will Wyatt Court, iQ Properties - Russell Roofing with BTS Fabrications
Best use of a brick slip cladding system
Manchester College - Longworth with Wienerberger
Best use of a composite panel system
Storage World Middleton - Acorn Cladding Service with Kingspan and Gordian
Best use of a Curtain Walling System
Boho X - Galliford Try with Titan Facades
Best use of a rainscreen system using aluminium
Buchanan Wharf, Building 6 - Graham Construction with Titan Facades
Best use of a rain screen system using glass, ceramics or stone
Royal Warwick Square - Berkeley Group (St Edward) with Shackerley
Best use of a timber clad system
Swan School - Galliford Try and Middlesex Facades with Vincent Timber
Best use of fibre cement cladding panels
Stables Yard - Interco Projects with Swiss Pearl
Best use of rain screen using specialist metal
68-86 Farringdon Road - Alufix with Spanwall
Most Innovative Product
Brixel Bricks - Ketley Brick Co
RCI project of the year
Stables Yard - Interco Projects with Swiss Pearl
Outstanding Achievement
Phil Atkinson, Managing Director, BTS Facades & Fabrications